Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sudah kuasai ekonomi sekarang tumpuan untuk manipulasi politik dan kerajaan

Take more interest in politics — SCCCI chief

Borneo Post March 12, 2012, Monday

BE MORE RESPONSIVE POLITICALLY: Hii (third right) and other committee members during the meeting.
SIBU: Chinese businessmen should show more concern about political matters rather than merely standing on the sidelines and grabbing whatever businesses that arise.
“Be active and be more concern about politics in the coming general election instead of only focusing on your businesses.
“This is because politics will affect the financial development of the country,” said Sibu Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI) president Hii Yu Siong at its 22nd annual              general meeting here yesterday.
Hii added that whatever happened politically could also affect the benefits that the people were enjoying today.
On another matter, Hii urged small and medium enterprise (SME) operators to always sharpen their competitive edge in order to survive.
“This is different for large-scale company as they are linked to companies overseas.
“They are doing business globally.”
Hii said SCCCI had organised several seminars last year to help SMEs better manage their business and learn how to go about doing business globally.


  1. RH is liar to the sarawak people

  2. Orang sibu mst jagan sokong tiong taih king dlanang sokong calon SWP sng wang pisang hidup BN

  3. Hahaha this two are liar same whit dap
