Sunday, October 28, 2012

Kalau Sarawak dan Sabah tetap sokong BN maka akan aku keluarkan mereka dari Malaysia - Anwar Ibrahim

Anwar Ibrahim yang melaung-laungkan berjuang untuk rakyat tetapi bermewah menggunakan jet peribadi.

Sejak beberapa bulan anwar ibrahim dan penasihat-penasihatnya telah menjalankan strategi untuk mengeluarkan Sabah dan Sarawak dari Malaysia.

Mereka menggunakan kawan rapat dan tunggangan mereka 'Doris Jones' untuk menyemai fitnah dan racun terhadap rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.

Doris Jones di upah oleh Anwar Ibrahim untuk menabur dan 'distribute' kebencian terhadap Malaysia dalam minda dan hati rakyat Sabah dan Sarawak.  Malah doris jones dan rakan-rakan juga mula menjual baju 'SSKM'.

Anwar Ibrahim yang telah mengaku menerima wang dari luar negara sanggup membuat apa saja untuk mendapat gelaran dan 'glamour' Perdana Menteri.  Walaupun perdana menteri suatu negara yang sudah pecah-belah dan hancur.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

NGO Taxi PKR mendesak kerajaan untuk memberi semua 15 desakan mereka kalau tidak akan pengaruh sejuta penumpang menentang kerajaan

Cabbies: Fulfil our demands or we'll drive for Pakatan
  • Lu Wei Hoong, malaysiakini
  • 2:06PM Oct 23, 2012
PKR-backed NGO Tuntutan Pemandu Teksi Malaysia (Teksi) has threatened to campaign for Pakatan Rakyat if the government does not fulfil the 15-point demands it has made.

Teksi president Mohd Ridzwan Mohd Daud said today the government should show more concern for the welfare of the taxi drivers.

It should unconditionally grant individual permits to taxi drivers, take action against foreigners driving licensed taxis and have the rental fees waived on Sundays and public holidays.

NONE"I want the government to consider that despite the number of taxi drivers being small, let's say 50,000, a taxi driver carries an average of 20 passengers a day. 

"What if these travel ambassadors (the taxi drivers) become ambassadors for Pakatan during the election period?

"Fifty thousand taxi drivers carrying 20 passengers a day can equal to one million (voters a day). Anything can happen in the two-week election campaigning period!" Ridzwan told a press conference at the Ampang PKR parliamentary constituency operations centre after speaking to taxi drivers.
NONEA hundred taxi drivers were estimated to attend the event and applauded when Ridzwan read out the demands.

PKR Wanita chief Zuraida Kamaruddin, who was also present, claimed that the taxi drivers’ position is unclear under the current system.

“If they (taxi drivers) are (taxi licensing company’s) employees, they should have sick leave, medical benefit and Employees Provident Fund (EPF), but they don’t.”

“Ironically, if they (taxi drivers) are classified as business owners, they still have to pay a licence fee to the company.”

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Keluarga Alice Lau DAP mengambil keuntungan dari penyeludupan dan pengedaran dadah?

Alice Lau demands apology from Ngieng

Posted on October 20, 2012, Saturday
SIBU: DAP Sibu Women’s chief Alice Lau is demanding an apology from Daniel Ngieng Kiong Ann for making a statement in the press which she said had marred her integrity as a pharmacist.
She told a press conference yesterday that she was giving Ngieng, who is Sibu Municipal Council deputy chairman, a week’s time.
“If he doesn’t apologise within a week, I may take legal action,” she said, adding she would seek advice from state DAP chairman Wong Ho Leng and state DAP secretary Chong Chieng Jen who are both lawyers.
Dudong assemblyman Yap Hoi Liong who was with Lau at the press conference concurred that Ngieng’s comment on Lau was damaging to her reputation and professional integrity as a pharmacist.
He said it was wrong for Ngieng to insinuate that Lau did not hold a proper licence to run her pharmacy.

Ngieng: Use their lies, squabbles to nail them

Posted on September 3, 2012, Monday
SIBU: One of the best `political barriers’ which the BN could erect to thwart the opposition’s march towards Putrajaya in the pending 13th general election is to expose their lies and internal squabbles.
SUPP Sibu branch vice chairman Daniel Ngieng, who made this suggestion, opined that Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak’s recent call for BN component parties to erect political barriers was timely because the populist promises made the opposition could bankrupt the country.
“The opposition thrives on empty and populist promises which can bankrupt the country. We can’t allow this irresponsible pact to sieze Putrajaya and cause undesirable consequences to the nation.
“BN components can expose the lies of the opposition and their lack of consensus policies,” Ngieng told The Borneo Post yesterday.
He said for instance the DAP and PAS were at loggerheads on the proposed establishment of an Islamic state.
“Who is their PM? PAS also wants their candidate to go up. The thing is they can’t even disclose their shadow cabinet which shows the lack of confidence to get elected.”
Bernama has quoted Najib as saying that BN should emerge as the coalition which would not only be victorious but also win big and in style in the pending polls.
Meanwhile, PRS deputy president Datuk Joseph Entulu too supported Najib’s call for political barriers to be erected.
“BN has a proven excellent track record. Let us not gamble on our future,” Entulu, who is Deputy Minister of Rural and Regional Development and Selangau MP, said.
He said the country had developed by leaps and bounds under the BN.
“The opposition is only making sky high promises which they could not keep.”
Entulu said only BN, with its proven track record, could continue to bring about more development and prosperity for the people.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Wong Judat confirm bertanding di Julau menentang Datuk Joseph Salang

Larry Sng versus James Masing battle begins

Wong sah calon SWP di Julau

Posted on October 14, 2012, Sunday
PAKAN: Ahli Dewan Undangan Negeri (ADUN) N.42 Meluan, Wong Judat adalah calon pertama yang diumumkan oleh Parti Pekerja Sarawak (SWP) akan bertanding di kerusi Parlimen P.209 Julau untuk menentang calon Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS) di kawasan terbabit pada Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-13 (PRU13) nanti.
Wong Judat, Naib Presiden SWP, dijangka menentang calon PRS yang juga penyandang kerusi Julau dan Timbalan Menteri Penerangan, Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum.
Berucap pada Majlis SWP Bersama Rakyat di Rumah Ganda, Manding di sini semalam, Presiden SWP, Larry Sng berkata, SWP akan bertanding di enam kerusi Parlimen milik PRS iaitu Julau, Selangau, Hulu Rajang, Lubok Antu, Kanowit dan Sri Aman.
“Calon untuk lima kerusi yang lain pula, parti kita akan mengumumkannya secara berperingkat-peringkat dalam tempoh terdekat ini. Tetapi, apa yang paling nyata ialah kesemua kerusi yang bakal kita letakkan calon adalah milik PRS,” katanya pada majlis tersebut yang dihadiri kira-kira 2,000 penduduk Pakan dan Julau.
Dalam ucapannya, Larry berkata, pada masa kini jumlah keahlian SWP yang berdaftar di seluruh Sarawak telah mencecah 13,000 orang.
“Bagi kawasan Parlimen Julau ini, jumlah ahli SWP adalah sekitar 4,000 orang dan berdasarkan sambutan daripada masyarakat, kita yakin ia bakal bertambah dari semasa ke semasa, apatah lagi mereka sudah mengenal pasti siapa calon yang bakal bertanding mewakili mereka pada PRU13 nanti.
“Kepada masyarakat, kita ingin jelaskan bahawa SWP adalah sebuah parti yang mengutamakan rakyatnya.
“Dewasa ini, kita telah menyediakan pelbagai kemudahan dan perkhidmatan kepada rakyat di negeri ini. Selain Tabung Pendidikan kepada anak-anak ahli SWP dan insurans kepada ahli SWP, kita juga ada menyediakan perkhidmatan peguam.
“Perkhidmatan peguam ini adalah untuk memberikan kemudahan kepada ahli berdaftar, khasnya untuk mewakili mereka dalam hal atau perkara yang berkaitan dengan masalah tanah Hak Adat Bumiputera (NCR), dan semua ini adalah percuma,” jelas Larry.
Sementara itu, Wong dalam ucapannya berkata, PRU13 adalah perjuangan politik yang sangat penting untuk SWP.
“Kita yakin rakyat telah sedar tentang siapa yang sepatutnya menjadi pilihan mereka pada PRU13 nanti dan kita juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada rakyat dari seluruh pelosok negeri yang telah memberikan sokongan kepada kita.
“Banyak manfaat yang bakal menunggu rakyat di kawasan ini nanti sekiranya SWP berjaya menakluki kerusi Parlimen di kawasan ini.
“Dan salah satu janji kita ialah untuk membawa Tabung Pendidikan SWP ke kawasan ini yang akan memberi banyak peluang dan kemudahan kepada generasi muda khasnya,” jelas Wong.
Pada majlis tersebut, Larry turut mengumumkan penyerahan peruntukan bernilai RM10,000 kepada Rumah Ganda.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

40peratus kontrak-kontrak jalan raya luar bandar Sarawak ketinggalan - Auditor Negara

Published: Monday October 15, 2012 MYT 4:55:00 PM
Updated: Monday October 15, 2012 MYT 5:45:46 PM

A-G's Report: Nearly 40% of Rural Road Projects in Sarawak delayed


PETALING JAYA: Implementation of nearly 40% of projects under the Rural Road Projects in Sarawak have suffered delays, some as long as 242 days, according to the Auditor-General's 2011 report.
The report, which was tabled in Parliament Monday, pointed out that of 101 projects completed, 38 had been delayed from 15 to 242 days from the original schedule.
The Auditor-General also found that of 74 other ongoing projects, 13 are behind schedule by more than 20%.
Apart from the delays, the report noted that construction and upgrading of roads did not follow contract specifications and that road users were not satisfied with the quality, safety and comfort of the roads.
“Audit findings revealed that, in general, the construction and upgrading of rural road projects in Sarawak were not satisfactory,” read the report.
The Rural and Regional Development Ministry, which oversees the projects, said the delays were out of the control of either the ministry or implementing agents.
Among the problems the ministry highlighted in its response to the Auditor-General on June 26 this year include blockades by land owners, lack of building materials and internal problems faced by the hired contractors.
“However, the implementing agency constantly takes the necessary action to overcome such problems or causes of delays so that a project can be completed within the designated time,” the ministry said.
According to the report, the ministry had approved a total of RM1.727 bil to implement 175 road projects in Sarawak from 2006 to 2010.
From the total approved funds, some RM1.024 bil had been spent so far as at Dec 31, 2011.
The Sarawak Public Works Department was put in charge of 146 projects worth a total of RM1.104 bil, while the remaining 29 projects costing RM622.84 mil were put under the Sarawak Drainage and Irrigation Department.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

NGO membuat laporan polis terhadap YAB PM Datuk Seri Najib berdasarkan kenyataan parlimen nazri aziz

NGO lapor polis kes RM40 juta Umno Sabah

Jamilah Kamarudin
 | October 16, 2012
Wakil Jingga 13, Afzainizam Abdul Rahman berkata, pihaknya percaya keputusan siasatan skandal tersebut hanya untuk menyelamatkan Musa Aman.

PETALING JAYA: Jingga 13 hari ini membuat laporan polis terhadap dakwaan ‘derma politik’ RM40 juta kepada Umno Sabah melibatkan Ketua Menteri Sabah Datuk Seri Musa Aman dan tauke kayu balak, Michael Chia.
Laporan itu dibuat badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) terbabit di Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Dang Wangi di Kuala Lumpur petang tadi.
Wakil Jingga 13, Afzainizam Abdul Rahman dalam laporannya berkata, pihaknya percaya keputusan siasatan skandal tersebut hanya untuk menyelamatkan Musa Aman yang dikatakan mempunyai kaitan dengan lesen pembalakan Sabah sehingga mampu membawa pulangan lumayan.
Beliau turut melaporkan, skandal ini turut melibatkan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Najib Razak apabila enggan mendedahkan individu yang menjadi penyumbang dana terbabit.
“Jingga 13 juga mendapati bahawa Najib selaku Presiden Umno dan Menteri Kewangan turut mengetahui bahawa wujudnya skandal penyeludupan wang RM40 juta tersebut.
Wang haram
“Selaku Menteri Kewangan, Najib sepatutnya cukup prihatin bahawa tindakan menyeludup wang haram serta sumbangan kepada parti politik daripada sumber wang haram tersebut adalah merupakan satu jenayah.
“Tindakan Najib yang enggan mendedahkan siapakah penyumbang kepada wang haram sebanyak RM40 juta kepada Umno Sabah ini jelas membuktikan keterlibatan beliau di dalam skandal tersebut bersama-sama dengan Musa Aman selaku Pengerusi Badan Perhubungan Umno Sabah dan juga hartawan balak Micheal Chia. Malahan Umno Sabah turut sama mempertahankan tindakan jenayah tersebut .
“Jingga 13 mendapati bahawa telah wujud kesalahan jenayah yang dilakukan oleh Najib yang turut sama bersekongkol dengan Musa, Micheal Chia dan Umno Sabah dalam aktiviti penyeludupan sejumlah wang haram yang cukup besar .
“Justeru itu kami meminta agar satu siasatan secara terperinci dibuat oleh pihak Polis DiRaja Malaysia (PDRM) melalui Jabatan Jenayah Komersial dan menyiasat isu tersebut tanpa prejudis dan pilih kasih agar tindakan undang-undang dan pendakwaan dapat dikenakan ke atas para penjenayah tersebut,” katanya dalam laporan.
Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Aziz berkata, berdasarkan laporan Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia (SPRM) mendapati tiada elemen rasuah dapat dibuktikan.
“Dana tersebut ialah sumbangan yang dibuat kepada Badan Perhubungan Umno Sabah dan bukannya untuk tujuan persendirian Ketua Menteri,” katanya dalam satu jawapan bertulis kepada Ahli Parlimen Batu Tian Chua di Parlimen Khamis minggu lalu.
Nazri juga berkata, berdasarkan keputusan kertas siasatan SPRM, badan pencegahan rasuah Hong Kong ICAC juga tidak bercadang untuk mengambil tindakan lanjut.
Malah menurut Nazri, permohonan kerjasama ICAC untuk menyiasat perkara jenayah berhubung akaun bank di Switzerland juga ditarik balik atas alasan sama.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

SAPP membuat laporan polis terhadapYAB KM Sabah Musa Aman berdasarkan kenyataan parlimen nazri aziz

Report lodged over Umno’s RM40m

Teoh El Sen
 | October 14, 2012
Sabah Progressive Party has lodged a police report over the 'clearance' of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman of graft and money laundering allegations last week.
PETALING JAYA: The clearance of Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman of any wrongdoing last week over money laundering and graft allegations involving RM40 million has continued to bewilder and anger opposition parties.
Among the latest is the youth wing of Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP), whose members claimed that the government explanation that the money did not belong to Musa, but Sabah Umno, smacks of a deliberate cover up.
Lodging a police report over the matter on Friday, they urged the police to further investigate the origin of the RM40 million. They also questioned the need to smuggle the money out of Hong Kong and businessman Michael Chia’s relationship with Umno.
“If there is no connection (between Chia and Umno), why isn’t Umno managing the transaction?” asked the report.
Speaking to FMT, SAPP Youth chief Edward Dagul said that the party finds it hard to believe that the Minister in Prime Minister’s Department Nazri Aziz has attempted to “swipe away such a serious case with such a simple sentence”.
“We are astonished that a federal minister is actually saying that Umno has that amount of money. And why has it got to go through Hong Kong? If it really is just a simple matter of Umno headquarters giving money to Sabah Umno, then why is it smuggled through Hong Kong, what is there to hide?
“The other thing is that the story has been out for four years, and suddenly after four years they changed their minds and changed the story. Why didn’t Musa Aman say this in the first place?”
“To us it is a cooked up story. It is an afterthought,” said Edward, who also asked whether the contribution was recorded in the Umno financial report if it was really above board.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Nazri Aziz membuka jalan untuk DAP menyerang BN dan BN Sabah

THE Biro Tata Negara (BTN) saga has taken yet another twist. Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz has called former Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad “bloody racist” for defending the BTN training modules.

Come clean on RM40mil 'donation', DAP tells gov't
4:30PM Oct 14, 2012
The federal government has been accused of hypocrisy following a minister's claim that it would consider laws on foreign funding for local NGOs while failing to name those who "donated" RM40 million to Sabah Umno.

NONEIn a press release today, DAP publicity chief Tony Pua (left) said that the federal government has no locus standi to propose such laws until it comes clean on the source of the funds.

Last week, de facto Law Minister Mohd Nazri Abdul Aziz told Parliament that the RM40 million in Singaporean currency that businessman Michael Chia was carrying when he was arrested at in Hong Kong on August 14, 2008 was meant for Sabah Umno liaison body.

Nazri said that this was the findings of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC). He said investigations also showed that there was "no element of corruption" involved and that the funds were not meant for Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman's personal use.

Pua pointed out that Nazri's reply to Parliament had unearthed more questions such as why the sum had to be "imported" in such a manner and in Singaporean currency.

Current laws enough

He also questioned if the sum may also be from foreign sources which seeks to compromise the country's security.

"What begs belief is the fact that Nazri has the cheek to put forward such a (law) when Umno itself has been one of the biggest, if not the biggest, recipient of dubious foreign funding," said Pua.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Nazri Aziz membantu PKR untuk menghancurkan politik YAB KM Sabah Musa Aman dan BN Sabah?

Umno terlibat seludup wang ke Hong Kong

Kenyataan Umum
12 Oktober 2012

grafik dari laman Malaysiakini
Semalam Menteri Hal Ehwal undang Undang Malaysia, Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz di Parlimen Malaysia memperakui kewujudan wang RM 40juta yang diseludup melalui Hong Kong milik seorang ahli perniagaan adalah untuk sumbangan kepada Umno Sabah.

Seorang ahli pernigaan bernama Micheal Chia telah ditahan Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Hong Kong pada 14 Ogos 2008 dengan matawang Singapura berjumlah RM40 juta di dalam bagasinya sebelum menaiki pesawat menghala ke Kuala Lumpur.

Namun berita inidiselindung sebaik mungkin dan tidak mendapat liputan dari media tempatan. Terbaru semalam apabila hal ini dibangkitkan semula oleh YB Tian Chua ekoran jawapan bertulis yang diperolehinya dari Menteri terbabit yang mengatakan ia bukan wang untuk Tan Sri Musa Aman tetapi untuk Umno Sabah.

Apa yang harus disedari ialah mungkin dalam keghairahan regim pertahan pemimpin mereka maka mereka tidak sedar secara tidak langsung diakui
  • bahawa penyeludupan wang RM 40 juta itu memang wujud, maka apa tindakan undang - undang terhadap kejadian yang diakui wujud itu ?
  • untuk bela Musa, Nazri akui wang itu bukan untuk Muda secara peribadi tetapi untuk Musa selaku Umno Sabah maka sah Umno Sabah terlibat dalam penyeludupan wang
SPRM yang kononya sudah melakukan siasatan ke atas penyeludupan RM40 juta itu dicabar tampil untuk mengistiharkan dimanakah sumber RM40 juta itu ? 
    Menurut satu sumber wang tersebut ada kaitan dengan kawasan balak yang diluluskan di Sabah dan adalah amalan biasa sebahagian keuntungan harus dipulangkan sebagai dana politik untuk komponen Bn atau terus kepada pemimpin tertentu.

    Bukan sedikit wang negara diseludup keluar berkaitan kepentingan pemimpin Bn. Contohnya sebelum ini terbongkar bagaimana Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan terkait penyeludupan wang RM 10 juta ke London dan setelah didapati sahih berlaku cuma syarikat penghantaran yang ditarik lesen, begitu juga ada kes disebut diparlimen terkait isteri anggota kabinet Malaysia turut terlibat seludup wang negara. (klik untuk baca MB NS seludup RM10juta ? )

    Inilah pengkianat sebenar menjejaskan ekonomi negara. Sudahlah terlibat merompak wang rakyat terlibat pula melarikan wang keluar negara. Yakinlah jika regim ini terus berkuasa pasti tidak akan ada antara mereka yang diambil tindakan, lebih penting kegiatan mereka ini akan pasti membankrupkan negara.


    Penyelaras SAMM Kebangsaan
    Angkatan Muda Keadilan

    Friday, October 12, 2012

    Nazri Aziz mahu 'membunuh' kerjaya politik KM Sabah YAB Musa Aman?


    Musa Aman cleared of graft

    KUALA LUMPUR (Oct 11, 2012): The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) has cleared Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman of corruption allegations involving RM40 million which were said to be kickbacks for approvals of timber licences.
    Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz said the Attorney-General's Chambers found no element of corruption after studying and considering the evidence and investigation papers presented by MACC.
    “The funds were contributions to the Sabah Umno liaison body and not for the personal use of the chief minister,” said Nazri in a written reply to a question from Tian Chua (PKR-Batu) today.
    Tian Chua had asked for the reasons why prosecutors have yet to take action against Musa and Michael Chia upon completion of investigations by MACC, and following the suit filed by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Hong Kong at the Switzerland Court.
    Nazri said based on the ICAC's investigation and that of MACC's, the ICAC decided not to take any further action.
    “As for the case filed at the Switzerland court, it was merely an application for assistance, under the Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters Act, sought by the ICAC to investigate the case,” he added. Nazri said that the application had also been retracted.
    In 2008, a businessman, identified as Michael Chia, was caught at the Hong Kong International Airport with Singapore currency worth RM40 million in his luggage before be could board a flight to Kuala Lumpur.
    Chia was charged with money laundering and trafficking by the ICAC. It was reported that Chia had at that time allegedly told the ICAC that the money belonged to Musa. However, Musa has denied any link with Chia.
    Whistleblower website Sarawak Report has linked the monies to timber kickbacks, which it said were bound for Musa's pockets for approving timber licences. However, Musa has denied all the allegations.
    Musa instead accused Sarawak Report of defaming him, claiming the graft allegations were likely part of a conspiracy by his detractors who wanted to topple Barisan Nasional in Sabah.
    He said he would offer full co-operation to the authorities if he was required to but stressed that his focus was on serving the state instead of entertaining frivolous allegations.


    Thursday, October 11, 2012

    Yang Berhormat Datuk James Dawos Mamit mendapat sokong penuh PBB Mambong

    3 PBB leaders vow to support Dawos

    Borneo Post on October 11, 2012, Thursday
    KUCHING: Three senior leaders from PBB Tarat and Bengoh branches yesterday voiced their support for Mambong MP Datuk Dr James Dawos Mamit to be re-nominated for the 13th general election.
    PBB Tarat branch chairman Datuk Roland Sagah Wee Inn, PBB Tarat Youth chief Stanley Sila, and PBB Bengoh branch secretary Jeguk Ngamo said Dawos was a class act and deserved to be supported.
    Sagah, who is also deputy speaker of the State Legislative Assembly, said his branch would give their full support to Dawos in the impending polls.
    “I have never heard of such thing. Who are the leaders (if any)?” Sagah said when contacted to comment on reports that some Bidayuh leaders was trying to pull the deputy minister of tourism down.
    The reports also stated that the “crab mentality” among the Bidayuh community could see the political demise of Dawos.
    Sagah opined that those behind the veil could be some aspiring candidates.
    “That is normal in any political parties. However, there is no such thing as trying to bring down somebody,” he said, adding that he did not believe people from his community would resort to such acts.
    Stanley, when contacted, said Dawos is the elected representative for Mambong and thus should be fully supported in the impending polls.
    “We need to support our current leader because without support we cannot work together,” reasoned Stanley.
    Meanwhile, Jeguk noted that there were people trying to discredit Dawos by saying that he had not kept all his promises.
    While he admitted that some promises had yet to be fulfilled, Jeguk said the key reason was because of miscommunication between the villages concerned and Dawos service centre.
    “As far as we are concerned, he (Dawos) has fulfilled his promises and we are happy with his performance,” Jeguk said, and urged the electorate to give their total support to Dawos.
    He also appealed to aspiring candidates to stop discrediting Dawos.
    “Your time will come (to become the candidate). Why should we discredit our leader who has been doing a good job?”
    Jeguk added that the crab mentality of destroying others within the community must stop.