Friday, December 31, 2010

Thank you Abang Johari for the housing tribunal!!!

Tingkat 3, Dewan Undangan Negeri Sarawak (Lama)
93050 Petra Jaya, Kuching
Tel: 082-312507 / 312 517
Faks: 082-312499

1. Latar Belakang
Tribunal Tuntutan Pembeli Rumah (TTPR) Sarawak merupakan satu badan bebas yang ditubuhkan melalui pindaan kepada Ordinan Pemaju Perumahan (Kawalan dan Perlesenan)(Pindaan) 2009 sebagaimana yang diperuntukkan dibawah Seksyen 24(2) Ordinan Pemaju Perumahan (Kawalan dan Perlesenan), 1983 (Cap. 5), yang berkuatkuasa mulai Mei 01, 2010.

2. Objektif
TTPR menyediakan alternatif selain daripada mahkamah untuk mendengar dan mengadili tuntutan pembeli rumah yang menuntut gantirugi / pampasan daripada pemaju perumahan dengan cara lebih mudah, murah dan efisien.

3. Bidang kuasa
TTPR boleh mendengar apa-apa tuntutan dari pembeli rumah dengan syarat:
Tuntutan difailkan di Pejabat TTPR tidak lewat 12 bulan dari tarikh:
(i) Pengeluaran Sijil Kelayakan Menduduki (OP); atau
(ii) Sebelum tamat tempoh liabiliti kecacatan (Defect Liability Period) seperti yang dinyatakan dalam Surat Perjanjian Jual Beli (S&P).
(iii) Setiap tuntutan hendaklah tidak melebihi RM40,000.00 kecuali jika dipersetujui oleh kedua-dua belah pihak dan diluluskan oleh Menteri Perumahan, Tribunal boleh mendengar sesuatu tuntutan yang tidak melebihi RM80,000.00.
(iv) Bagi Perjanjian Jual Beli (S&P) yang dibuat sebelum Mei 01, 2010 juga layak dipertimbangkan dengan syarat tuntutan tersebut mestilah memenuhi syarat-syarat sepertimana di atas.
(v) TTPR hanya menerima kes tuntutan yang melibatkan pemaju yang berlesen sahaja. Oleh itu, perumahan yang dimajukan oleh agensi dibawah Kerajaan Negeri dan Persekutuan yang berlesen adalah termasuk di dalam bidang kuasa TTPR.
(vi) Tuntutan tidak boleh dibahagi, atau lebih daripada satu tuntutan yang dibawa, berkenaan dengan perkara yang sama terhadap pihak yang sama bagi maksud membawanya ke dalam bidang kuasa Tribunal

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Asfia, is this true?

Click Image
Anonymous said...

Sori...ya..beri jalan kejap..!!

Geng2 Asfia..dari kpg bruit, tekajong, penipah, salah, kecil, betanak, penibong, penunai, sebakau, ari ya..lekek2 tetak di ck.. nerimak duit baja orang kpg sidak2 ya..dijual sidak..!

Tooolllooonnng... sebanaku..'highlight'kan kerja2 sidak goemen (pertanian) daro & jkkk pertanian kpg2 yang saya sebutkan di atas itu.

Habis "hak" orang lain (baja) dijual sidak ngan cina...!! Say something & do something..about it.

 December 17, 2010 10:24 PM

Aslo read:
* SUPP and the government’s fertilizer and seed subsidies

Sunday, December 26, 2010

The "Rakyat didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan" slogan should be changed to

Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak should consider to change 
his slogan from 

"Rakyat Didahulukan, Prestasi Diutamakan"
Rakyat Dipariakan, Kroni Diutamakan”.

Ketika aku dok membelek e-mail aku yang lama tak buka, terpandang satu e-mail dari seorang hamba Allah meminta aku mengulas tentang lampiran surat dari satu pertubuhan dialamatkan kepada Perdana Menteri yang penulis e-mail itu menjumpainya di berlapuk untuk dibuang..

Saturday, December 25, 2010


Our facebook friend USu Sool invited Sebanaku Sarawak to attend the following event:


Date: December, 31 (Friday)
Time: 8:30pm - 10:30pm
Location: DEWAN BAHASA & PUSTAKA Kuching

More Info

Poll results on “Who are the 10 lucky PBB YBs to be dropped from contesting in the next State Election?” as at 25/12/2010.

Our readers voted:
1.(1) N60 - Dr. Stephen Rundi Utom ..........................(38%)
2.(6) N49 - Dato Awang Bemee Awang Ali Basah .....(32%)
3.(4) N36 - Dato Sri Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar .........(31%)
4.(2) N35 - Datuk Hamden Ahmad .............................(29%)
5.(5) N20 - Dato Wan Abd Wahab Wan Sanusi ..........(29%)
6.(3) N24 - Datuk Bolhassan Di ..................................(27%)
7.(7) N30 - Dr. Haji Wahbi Junaidi .............................(26%)
8.(8) N19 - Federick Bayoi Manggie ..........................(22%)
9.(9) N55 - Datuk Ambrose Blikau Enturan ...............(22%)
10.(10) N23 - Simoi Peri .............................................(21%)

Borneo DJ Showcase 2010 (1.1.11 Countdown Party in Miri)

Our facebook friend SUPP Piasau invited Sebanaku Sarawak to attend the following event:

Borneo DJ Showcase 2010 (1.1.11 Countdown Party in Miri)

Date: December, 31 (Friday)
Time: 8:30pm - Saturday, January 1, 2011 at 2:00am
Location: Near by the pool side, Eastwood Valley Golf and Country Club

More Info:

Friday, December 24, 2010

UBF: Sebanaku Sarawak supports United Borneo Front

Sebanaku Sarawak supports the movement !!!

Jeffrey forms movement for Sabahans, Sarawakians, remains in PKR for now

Thu, 16 Dec 2010 17:03
By Luke Rintod

UPDATED AT 11.40PM KOTA KINABALU: Former PKR vice-president Jeffrey Kitingan today announced the formation of United Borneo Front (UBF) as a network grouping for Sabahans and Sarawakians to assert their rights.

He also said that he was not leaving PKR as was widely speculated and dodged questions if he would leave the party in the near future.

Speaking to reporters at the end of his two-month vacation from politics today, Jeffrey said that the United Borneo Front would work to ensure that the rights of Sabahans and Sarawakians are protected.

The movement will work as a watchdog for the people of Sabah and Sarawak, he added.

Local version of Boston Tea Party

The maverick politician also said that UBF will be his main platform for his struggle, which he aims to achieve, regardless of under Barisan Nasional or Pakatan Rakyat.

Another Open Challenge To Pemuda PBB Cyber Warriors

Sudah dua kali pelawaaan dibuat,
Adakah Panglima-Panglima PBB akan terus berdiam diri????

December 16, 2010
Senarai Bloggers2 upahan Unit Media Baru PBB/BN Sarawak
Filed under: CyberWar,Pakatan Rakyat — Pengayau @ 10:00 am
Tags: PBB New Media Unit

Antara Bloggers yang aktif:
1. ChangeWemustsSarawak
2. KeadilanUntukSarawak
3. MelanauBlogger
4. MedanSarawak
5. Rajahmas
6. WiraKenyalang
7. SarawakDotKom
8. Ngap Sayot
9. AnakMerdeka

    Blogggers yang kurang aktif
    1. Spy Leman
    2. Sarawak Wira
    3. Penilai Sebuyau
    4. Muka Petang
    5. Muda Tengah
    6. Fikirkan
    7. Anak Kenyah
    8. Aleh Kayong

      Saya di maklumkan bahawa Bloggers2 ini di bayar upah yang begitu lumayan  sebanyak RM5 Ribu setiap bulan untuk satu kumpulan.

      Kami juga di maklumkan bahawa mereka menggunakan dan mendapat tunjuk ajar daripada Blogger terkenal UMNO iaitu dan juga

      Wednesday, December 22, 2010

      Congratulation To Baru Bian!!!

      Baru Bian - Naib Presiden Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR)

      UBF: Thank you Azmin & PKR

      We need more Malayans who respect Sarawakians as their equals to be national leaders. 
      We don't want Malayan Masters to treat us as if we are their servants.
      And again, thank you Azmin.

      Azmin promises locals top Sarawak posts on polls win

      By Boo Su-Lyn
      December 13, 2010

      Azmin highlighted that many top East Malaysian posts were filled

      by West Malaysians. — file pic
      KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 13 — PKR’s Azmin Ali has promised Sarawakians senior state civil service positions — many of which are currently held by those from peninsular Malaysia — should Pakatan Rakyat (PR) win the state and Putrajaya in the next general election.

      Monday, December 20, 2010

      Poll results: PR will win and form the State Government if the election is held today

      If the state election is held today, who will win and form the State Government?

      Our readers voted:

      Barisan Nasional (40%)
      Pakatan Rakyat (59%)

      Poll results as at:
      (a) Dec 14, 2010 (BN 41%, PR 58%)
      (b) Dec 08, 2010 (BN 57%, PR 42%)

      Snowdan ... please hear us out ...

      YB. Encik Snowdan Lawan

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Sunday, December 19, 2010

      Jamaludin, is it true that you said it is normal for SEDC to give empty promises???

       Jamaludin, is it true that you are the one who said "janji staff SEDC semuanya janji mulut, janji kosong ajak, sik boleh di pake!"???

      If it is true, then it is a very shameful admission that SEDC has a culture of giving empty promises to the rakyat!!! 

      And, if it is true, the Chairman Datuk Talip Zulpilip has to go for allowing (or may be championing) the culture to exist in the organisation which is supposed to honour all of its promises to the rakyat.

      Lastly, are you the one who told the BUMIPUTERA entrepreneurs to pack their things and move out from Kubah Ria???

      Saturday, December 18, 2010

      A reminder to both BN and PR : Don't talk about reform if can't reform yourself first

      Monday, November 15, 2010

      Lessons Of The PKR Debacle

      Lessons of the PKR Debacle (Tweets by Sarawak Headhunter): 

      1. Practise what you preach. If you don't, your hypocrisy will be on show. If you can't, stop preaching. 

      2. Don't talk about reform if you can't reform yourself first. 

      3. What you require of others, expect others to require of you. 

      4. Don't pretend to be a saint if you are not. You will be found wanting when called to account. 

      5. Pretending all is well when it isn't is a sign of self-delusion attempting to perform mass delusion.

      Friday, December 17, 2010

      Selamat Pengantin Baru

      We wish to say thanks to our facebook friend Raymond Menjang for inviting us to attend a wedding ceremony on December 25, 2010 in Seloi, Bekenu, Miri.

      We pray that the ceremony would be a sweet memorable event for both of the bridegroom and the bride.

      Sebanaku Sarawak

      Jerip ... please hear us out ...

      YB. Dr. Belek @ Jerip Anak Susil

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Thursday, December 16, 2010

      An email to JAIS : Keluhan Rakyat Terhadap Jais

      Click Image

      from: Sebanaku Sarawak <>

      date: Thu, Dec 9, 2010 at 4:18 PM
      subject: Keluhan Rakyat Terhadap JAIS

      Wednesday, December 15, 2010

      "Cheo- Cheo" Le Long Belait

      Our facebook friend Nafisah Hkj invited Sebanaku Sarawak to attend the following event:

      "Cheo- Cheo" Le Long Belait

      Date: December 17, Friday
      Time: 8:00pm - 11:30pm
      Location: Bekas Tapak lapang Rumah Shell, Jalan Maulana , Kuala Belait
      More Info   

      Kerusi Jepak panas??? Talip perlu diganti???

      Click Image

      Salam..bercerita tentang KERUSI panas d Jepak, pencalonan dan Seterusnya WAKIL

      Tuesday, December 14, 2010

      Poll results: PR will win and form the State Government if the election is held today

      If the state election is held today, who will win and form the State Government?

      Our readers voted:

      Barisan Nasional (41%)
      Pakatan Rakyat (58%)


      Abu Seman ... please hear us out ...

      YB. Encik Abu Seman bin Jahwie

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Monday, December 13, 2010

      Where are the BN/PBB YBs who have been approached by the Kubah Ria tenants?

      Thank you Nurhanim. 

      Apparently you have the guts to demand SEDC to listen to the Kubah Ria tenants.
       Where are the BN/PBB YBs who have been approached by the tenants?
      Why are they quiet? 
      Don't they know that the state election is just around the corner? 
      Or they are still sleeping?
      Or they are confident that the issue will have no impact on their chances to retain their seats?

      Masalah sewa belenggu peniaga Kubah Ria

      KUCHING: Perbandanan Pembangunan Ekonomi Sarawak (SEDC) diminta untuk menyelesaikan masalah-masalah yang membelengu para penyewa kompleks perniagaan Kubah Ria yang baru, disini dengan segera.

      News Flash – Nurhanim Mokshen is PKR candidate for Tupong

      PKR is confident that Nurhanim Mokshen will wrest the seat from the incumbent Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman who had a minor stroke last month.

      Nurhanim Mokshen is to face a new Barisan Nasional candidate in Tupong if Datuk Daud Abdul Rahman decided to retire from politics due to his health problem.

      Sunday, December 12, 2010

      James Masing's advice on Jatropha

      During the recent DUN sitting, Dato Sri James Jemut Masing advised to the Jatropha planters to get the crop seed suppliers to buy back the seeds; and they should not embark on expanding the areas that they have already planted with the crop.

      Summary of Findings from MARDI's Assessment on Jatropha Curcus: Economical and Technical Perspectives as a Smallholder Crop in Malaysia.

      * Oil yeild for jatropha at 1.2 tonne per ha is about 3 TIMES LOWER than that for oil palm at 3.6 tonne per ha.

      * There is NO NET PROFIT from jatropha cultivation as compared to RM6,700 - RM6,800 per ha per year for oil palm and rubber.

      Saturday, December 11, 2010

      Poll results on “Who are the 10 lucky PBB YBs to be dropped from contesting in the next State Election?” as at 11/12/2010.

      Our readers voted:
      1.(6)  N60 - Dr. Stephen Rundi Utom..............................(40%)
      2.(1) N35 - Datuk Hamden Ahmad..................................(32%)
      3.(3) N24 - Datuk Bolhassan Di.......................................(32%)
      4.(5) N36 - Dato Sri Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar..............(31%)
      5.(2) N20 - Dato Wan Abd Wahab Wan Sanusi...............(31%)
      6.(8)  N49 - Dato Awang Bemee Awang Ali Basah.........(30%)
      7.(4)  N30 - Dr. Haji Wahbi Junaidi.................................(29%)
      8.(9) N55 - Datuk Ambrose Blikau Enturan....................(25%)
      9.(7) N19 - Federick Bayoi Manggie...............................(22%)

      10.(10) N23 - Simoi Peri................................................(22%)

      Vincent Goh ... please hear us out ...


      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      JAIS new bos says no more hanky panky business

      Innovation and integrity as Jais’ working culture

      SANTUBONG: Sarawak Islam Religion Department (JAIS) will initiate efforts to promote innovation and integrity as its working culture.

      Its new director Abang Shamshudin Abang Seruji said one of the ways is to create many creative and innovative groups (KIKs) in the department.

      He said the main function of the KIKs is to generate new ideas to help the department improve its service to customers.

      Abang Shamshudin however cautioned that the groups must not be too eager in carrying out its function to the extent of wanting to introduce new ideas in all areas of the department.

      Lack of a proper scope of attention would cause a mess as the organisation might end up focussing on too many things, he said.

      Wednesday, December 8, 2010

      ANNOUNCEMENT: Hujan vs Bunkface concert !!!

      Our Facebook friend, SUPP Piasau, invited Sebanaku Sarawak to attend the following event:

       Hujan vs Bunkface concert !!!

      Date: December 18, 2010 (Saturday)
      Time: 08:00pm - 11:00pm
      Location: Miri Indoor Stadium

      More Info

      Chiew ... please hear us out ...

      YB. En. Chiew Chiu Sing

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Poll results: BN will win and form the State Government if the election is held today

      If the state election is held today, who will win and form the State Government?

      Our readers voted:

      Barisan Nasional (57%)
      Pakatan Rakyat (42%)


      Tuesday, December 7, 2010

      ANNOUNCEMENT: Open Film Audition in Bintulu!!!

      Our Facebook friend, Dayak Filmaker, posted on Sebanaku Sarawak's Wall on Dec 12, 2010:

      Click Image

      UBF : 'Borneonisation' does not equal anti-KL, says MP

      We are not asking more than what are being stipulated in the 18-Point of Agreement.
      We are also not asking the  Malayans to kowtow to us.
      We are only asking what is rightfully ours.”

      By Queville To

      KOTA KINABALU: The long-overdue Borneonisation of public services in Sabah should not be read as anti-federal feelings, a member of Parliament from Sabah cautioned.

      Sabahans, Tawau MP Chua Boon Bui said, were merely fighting for their right under the 20-Point Agreement.

      Explaining the numerous calls to speed up the take over of federal departments by locals, Chua said: “We are only asking what is rightfully ours.”

      Poll results on “Who are the 10 lucky PBB YBs to be dropped from contesting in the next State Election?” as at 06/12/2010.

      Poll results on “Who are the 10 lucky PBB YBs to be dropped from contesting in the next State Election?” as at 06/12/2010.

      Our readers voted:
      1. N35 - Datuk Hamden Ahmad ............................(44%)
      2. N20 - Dato Wan Abd Wahab Wan Sanusi .........(44%)
      3. N24 - Datuk Bolhassan Di .................................(41%)
      4. N30 - Dr. Haji Wahbi Junaidi ............................(34%)
      5. N36 - Dato Sri Mohd Asfia Awang Nassar ........(31%)
      6. N60 - Dr. Stephen Rundi Utom ..........................(31%)
      7. N19 - Federick Bayoi Manggie ..........................(27%)
      8. N49 - Dato Awang Bemee Awang Ali Basah .....(27%)
      9. N55 - Datuk Ambrose Blikau Enturan ...............(24%)
      10. N23 - Simoi Peri ..........................................(24%)

      The last day to cast your votes is on 31/12/2010.

      Sunday, December 5, 2010

      Dr. Abdul Rahman Ismail ... please hear us out ...

      YB. Dr. Abdul Rahman Ismail

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Saturday, December 4, 2010

      Talip, macam mana hal kecik tok sik bolih diselesai???

      Sanai Latip. said in "Only committed entrepreneurs will get SEDC aids, says Talip"

      Salah Hormat kpd YB Datuk Talib,

      Macam mana hal kecik tok sik bolih diselasai, dan sampe bila kah hal tok sik diatur dan nanti YAB Perdana Menteri sendiri datng ke Kuching untuk selasaiakannya,

      adakah patut demikian dan juga sidak orang lain teta lihat hal kita orang tok berkelahi sampe minta PM datang,

      macamlah hal tok sik bolih diselasai disitu aja.

      Dan kalau ikut kata YB Datuk Sri Mohjd Asfia, hal tok mudah diatur jika semua pihak sama sama mahu dudok dan bincang,

      tatapi jika terus bertegang sampe bila? kata YB Asfia,

      Friday, December 3, 2010

      Are George Chan and Talip sleeping on the job?

      Total touritst arrivals into Malaysia has increased by 5.2% 
      but Sarawak has registered a drop of 1.5%!!!
      What are these two guys doing???
      Are they sleeping on the job???

      Tourist arrivals in first eight months down

      by Johnson K Saai. Posted on November 23, 2010, Tuesday

      KUCHING: Overall tourist arrivals into Malaysia in the first eight months this year showed an increase of 5.2 percent compared to the corresponding period last year. But, unfortunately, for Sarawak, it registered a negative growth.

      Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Tan Sri Dr George Chan, who is also Tourism and Heritage Minister, said visitors’ arrivals into Sarawak from January to August this year were 2,063,240. This is a drop of 1.5 percent when compared to the same period last year.

      Foreign arrivals decreased by 11.97 percent but domestic arrivals showed an increase of 17 percent during the periods under study.

      Thursday, December 2, 2010

      Want to do business in Tanjung Manis??? Check this out!!!

      A Facebook friend Wat Kc invited Sebanaku Sarawak to attend:


      Date: December 18, 2010 (Saturday)
      Time: 08:00am - 05:00pm
      Location:  Tanjung Manis

      Robert Lawson ... please hear us out ...

      YB. En. Robert Lawson Chuat Ak. Vincent Entering

      Dear YB,

      The followings are the issues or matters which we want to bring to your attention.

      Thank you.

      Wednesday, December 1, 2010

      Mayor, wake up and smell the coffee!!!

      Mayor, how open minded you have to be in order for you to know what are happening around you???

      Be resourceful, honest to gain trust, says Mayor

      KUCHING: Local authorities must be resourceful in reaching out to society in order to be able to deliver high quality service.

      In making the call, Kuching North City Commission (DBKU) mayor Mohamad Atei Abang Medaan said sensitivity to issues on the ground as well as being friendly to the local communities have strong influence on their perception of the quality of service rendered.

      “We must be open minded and enhance our awareness to improve the delivery system of local authorities to bring services to the local communities,” he said when delivering his speech during the closing ceremony of a one-day seminar on integrity at the DBKU auditorium on Monday.